Category Archives: Products and solutions

Tubular forward osmosis membrane modules

Tubular modules made from tubular forward osmosis membranes Tubular module summary Packing density Up to [...]


Plate and frame forward osmosis membrane modules

Plate & frame modules made from flat sheet forward osmosis membranes Plate & frame (stacked) [...]


The 4 different designs of forward osmosis (FO) membrane modules

An overview of the 4 different types of forward osmosis (FO) membrane modules FO membrane [...]


Forward osmosis system design

An introduction to forward osmosis system design In any given real life application, forward osmosis [...]

Selection of inorganic draw solutes for forward osmosis applications by Achilli et. al. 2010

Why Achilli et. al. 2010 is a must read within the field of forward osmosis [...]


Why is it challenging to commercialize forward osmosis technologies?

Challenges when commercializing forward osmosis technologies Water treatment systems based on forward osmosis membrane technologies [...]

Commercialization drivers in today’s water treatment market

Increased productivity is the main commercialization driver  in today’s water treatment market We – humanity [...]

Forward osmosis systems and their commercialization opportunities

Review of commercialization opportunities for forward osmosis systems Today, FO based systems are primarily used [...]

Hybrid forward osmosis systems for desalination of seawater and wastewater treatment

General classification of forward osmosis systems and their applications FO systems can be divided into [...]

Stand-alone forward osmosis systems for low energy water extraction and osmotic power production

General classification of forward osmosis systems and their applications FO systems can be divided into [...]