Category Archives: Membrane modules

SideStroem confirms first use case testing by partners during Q1 2025

SideStroem is a Singapore based water technology company developing a proprietary nano-selective forward osmosis technology [...]

Compact forward osmosis membrane elements are ideal for piloting studies in industrial applications

When piloting FO membrane elements, high packing density, light-weight, ease-of-use, and flexibility are key advantages [...]

New forward osmosis hollow fiber element bridges the gap between lab-scale testing and industrial applications

Forward osmosis is one of many new water technologies addressing the growing need for sustainable [...]

Inquiry: FO membrane elements for pilot unit with 2 to 3 m3/h feed flow

Recently, we received an inquiry from Dr. Arcari (Customer Experience Supervisor  Membrane) who is on [...]


Inquiry: forward osmosis elements needed for an FO/RO wastewater pilot plant

Commercial suppliers needed to provide FO modules for an FO pilot system Recently we received [...]


Inquiry: draw and feed circulation paths in FO modules

How do draw and feed streams circulate in an FO module? Most of us who [...]

Hollow fiber forward osmosis membrane modules

Hollow fibre modules made from hollow fibre forward osmosis membranes Hollow fibre module summary Packing [...]


Spiral wound forward osmosis membrane modules

Spiral wound modules made from flat sheet forward osmosis membranes Spiral wound module summary Packing [...]


Tubular forward osmosis membrane modules

Tubular modules made from tubular forward osmosis membranes Tubular module summary Packing density Up to [...]


Plate and frame forward osmosis membrane modules

Plate & frame modules made from flat sheet forward osmosis membranes Plate & frame (stacked) [...]