Category Archives: News

Is MLD the new ZLD for forward osmosis technologies?

Minimum Liquid Discharge (MLD) processes can achieve up to 95% water recovery at half the [...]

Perspectives on Commercialization of Forward Osmosis Technologies

The “low-energy technology” brand of forward osmosis Forward osmosis emerges with a brand of “low-energy [...]

Ed Woode must die

So, who’s behind the alias Ed Woode? Since transparency will be one of ForwardOsmosisTech’s core [...]

The future strategy of ForwardOsmosisTech

Current status and future ambitions & goals for ForwardOsmosistech Any good strategy starts with a [...]

How can we promote FO commercialization?

How can experts and commercial players within the FO field collaborate to promote the commercialization [...]


Growing interest: forward osmosis in Zero Liquid Discharge systems

The use of Forward Osmosis Technologies in Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) systems and application is [...]

Forward osmosis market survey: preliminary results

Initial poll results show a strong demand for bench and pilot scale forward osmosis systems. [...]

ForwardOsmosisTech’s guide to measuring FO membrane performance

ForwardOsmosisTech has made an extensive guide on how to determine FO membrane performance in a [...]

Modern Water’s Membrane Division not out of the woods yet

Modern Water’s latest interim financial statement show an operating loss of 762.000 £ for the [...]

FO systems are now one step closer to mass adoption

An industrial size FO-based Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system is now operational in the Changxing [...]