Category Archives: Membrane technologies

The future of forward osmosis commercialization

Short Introduction to the author Zoheir Dabaghian earned his Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering in [...]


Compact forward osmosis membrane elements are ideal for piloting studies in industrial applications

When piloting FO membrane elements, high packing density, light-weight, ease-of-use, and flexibility are key advantages [...]

New forward osmosis hollow fiber element bridges the gap between lab-scale testing and industrial applications

Forward osmosis is one of many new water technologies addressing the growing need for sustainable [...]

Investigating Fertilizer Drawn Forward Osmosis Process for Groundwater Desalination for Irrigation in Egypt

FDFO for groundwater desalination Groundwater desalination could be a possible solution to Egypt’s scarcity problem [...]

Water filtration by forward and reverse osmosis explained in 4 paragraphs

The shortest possible explanation of water filtration, forward osmosis, and reverse osmosis – here’s our [...]


BBC Horizons: forward osmosis for industrial wastewater treatment

The concept of using forward osmosis for industrial wastewater treatment was recently covered in a [...]


New calculator for estimating structural parameters (S-values)

The structural parameter (S-value) of a forward osmosis membrane determines how severely the membrane is [...]


ForwardOsmosisTech’s guide to measuring FO membrane performance

ForwardOsmosisTech has made an extensive guide on how to determine FO membrane performance in a [...]

ForwardOsmosisTech is proud to play a small role in the making of a Science Fiction novel

What part of a forward osmosis system would be most vulnerable to sabotage? Confused? Fear [...]

The difference between a PRO process and the PRO membrane orientation mode

PRO process vs. PRO membrane orientation mode – a question from one of our readers [...]