Author Archives: ForwardOsmosisTech

SideStroem confirms first use case testing by partners during Q1 2025

SideStroem is a Singapore based water technology company developing a proprietary nano-selective forward osmosis technology [...]

Nano-selective forward osmosis technology by SideStroem featured in Everything About Water

The Singapore based resource recovery specialist, SideStroem Water Technologies, recently had their nano-selective forward osmosis [...]

SideStroem and Singapore Institute of Technology featured in AsianScientist

SideStroem’s nanofiltration-type (NF-type) FO technology is designed to selectively recover and recycle both water and [...]

SideStroem joins world class accelerator program

In a recent publication by Eco-Business, Singapore-based SideStroem Water Technologies Pte. Ltd. was announced as [...]

SideStroem Water Technologies and the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) collaborate to develop nanofiltration-type forward osmosis (NF-FO) membranes

The research collaboration enables SideStroem to leverage SIT’s strengths in membrane development. Singapore-based SideStroem Water [...]

SideStroem Water Technologies uses novel FO membrane technologies to reinvent resource recovery and enable productivity gains

About SideStroem Water Technologies   SideStroem Water Technologies is a Singapore-based start-up founded with the [...]


Forward Water Technologies raises capital to accelerate commercial activities – interview with CEO Howie Honeyman

The Canadian based forward osmosis technology company, Forward Water Technologies, recently announced a $6.8M CAD [...]

Aromatec is poised to disrupt traditional concentration processes with a novel hollow fibre FO membrane

Five-fold reduction in energy usage when compared with commonly found alternatives In industries such as [...]

Successful pilot of Fluid Technology Solutions’ OsmoBC™ process for treatment of desulfurization wastewater

A team from Tiangong University demonstrated pilot-scale economic viability and technical feasibility of a forward [...]


Connecticut Center for Applied Separations Technologies (CCAST) and Aquaporin A/S initiate forward osmosis collaboration

With the collaboration Aquaporin brings forward osmosis application & pilot studies closer to potential customers [...]